My top 5 Software design principles.

Separation of concerns.

Separation of concerns is a software design principle that suggests that a software system should be divided into distinct, independent components, with each component handling a specific aspect of the system's functionality. The idea is to break down a complex system into smaller, more manageable parts, making it easier to design, develop, maintain, and modify.

The principle of separation of concerns is based on the observation that software systems are often made up of many interrelated components and that changes made to one component can have unintended consequences for other components. This can lead to a system that is difficult to understand, modify, or extend. By applying this principle, each component can be developed and maintained independently, reducing the complexity of the system as a whole.

One of the key benefits of this principle is that it allows for modular design. Modular design involves dividing a software system into separate modules or components, each of which can be developed and tested independently. This makes it easier to manage complexity since each module can be designed and tested in isolation, without worrying about the impact on other parts of the system.

It also makes it easier to reuse code, since modules can be reused in different systems or projects.

Separation of concerns also allows for better code organization. By separating concerns, developers can organize their code in a way that makes it easier to understand and maintain. For example, they can group related functionality together in separate modules, making it easier to find and modify code. They can also encapsulate functionality within modules, reducing the risk of unintended interactions between different parts of the system.

There are several ways to implement separation of concerns in software design. One common approach is to use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the user interface (View), the data model (Model), and the application logic (Controller) into separate components.

Another approach is to use a service-oriented architecture (SOA), which involves breaking down a system into independent services that can be accessed and reused by other components.

In conclusion, separation of concerns is a fundamental principle of software design that helps to manage complexity, improve code organization, and enable modular design. By separating concerns, developers can build more maintainable, scalable, and flexible systems that are easier to understand and modify over time.

Liskov Substitution Principle.

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that states that a subclass should be able to be substituted for its superclass without causing any errors or unexpected behavior in the program. In other words, if a program is written to work with a certain type of object, it should work correctly with any subtype of that object as well. The LSP is one of the SOLID design principles, which provides guidelines for creating maintainable, scalable, and flexible software systems.

The LSP was introduced by Barbara Liskov in 1987, and it has since become an important principle in object-oriented programming. The principle is based on the idea that objects should behave predictably, regardless of their specific implementation details. By adhering to the LSP, developers can create classes and interfaces that are reusable, extensible, and easy to maintain.

To illustrate the LSP, consider an example where a program has a class called Animal, which has a method called move(). A subclass of Animal called Bird is created, which also has a move() method. According to the LSP, any code that works with an Animal object should also work correctly with a Bird object, since a Bird is a type of Animal. If the Bird subclass changes the behavior of the move() method in some way, it should not break any code that relies on the original behavior of the move() method in the Animal class.

In summary, the Liskov Substitution Principle is a key concept in object-oriented programming that promotes maintainable, scalable, and flexible software systems. It states that a subclass should be able to be substituted for its superclass without causing any errors or unexpected behavior in the program. By adhering to the LSP, developers can create classes and interfaces that are reusable, extensible, and easy to maintain.


DRY, which stands for "Don't Repeat Yourself", is a fundamental principle in software development that advocates for the avoidance of duplication in code. The idea behind DRY is to eliminate redundancy and promote code reuse, which can lead to more maintainable, scalable, and flexible software systems. DRY is one of the SOLID design principles, which provides guidelines for creating high-quality software that is easy to understand, modify, and extend.

The DRY principle is based on the observation that duplicated code can lead to several issues, such as increased maintenance costs, decreased readability, and a higher risk of errors and inconsistencies. By avoiding duplication, developers can reduce the amount of code they need to maintain and improve the overall quality of the codebase. To achieve this, developers can use various techniques such as code reuse, modular design, and abstraction.

One of the key benefits of DRY is that it can improve the efficiency of the development process. By reusing existing code, developers can save time and effort that would otherwise be spent on writing new code from scratch. This can lead to faster development cycles, increased productivity, and a higher degree of code consistency. Additionally, by reducing the amount of code that needs to be maintained, developers can focus on improving the quality of the code rather than fixing bugs and inconsistencies.

In conclusion, the DRY principle is a fundamental concept in software development that advocates for the avoidance of duplication in code. By promoting code reuse, modular design, and abstraction, developers can create maintainable, scalable, and flexible software systems that are easy to understand, modify, and extend. DRY can improve the efficiency of the development process and help to reduce the overall cost and complexity of software systems.


YAGNI, which stands for "You Ain't Gonna Need It", is a principle in software development that advises developers to only implement features that are necessary to meet the requirements of the current iteration or release. The idea behind YAGNI is to avoid over-engineering and premature optimization, which can lead to unnecessary complexity, reduced maintainability, and increased development time and cost. YAGNI is one of the agile development principles, which promotes a flexible and iterative approach to software development.

The YAGNI principle is based on the observation that developers often add features to software that are not required by the current iteration or release but might be useful in the future. This can lead to unnecessary complexity and wasted effort, as these features might never be used or might need to be modified significantly when they are eventually required. YAGNI encourages developers to focus on delivering the minimum viable product that meets the current requirements and to avoid adding unnecessary features until they are needed.

One of the key benefits of YAGNI is that it can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the development process. By focusing on delivering the minimum viable product, developers can reduce development time, minimize the risk of scope creep, and increase the chances of delivering software that meets the needs of the users.

Additionally, by avoiding premature optimization and over-engineering, developers can create software that is easier to maintain, extend, and modify in the future.

In summary, the YAGNI principle is a key concept in software development that encourages developers to only implement features that are necessary to meet the requirements of the current iteration or release. By avoiding over-engineering, premature optimization, and unnecessary complexity, developers can create software that is more efficient, effective, and maintainable. YAGNI is one of the agile development principles, which promotes a flexible and iterative approach to software development.

Convention over Configuration.

Convention over Configuration is an approach to software development that emphasizes the use of sensible defaults and conventions to reduce the amount of configuration and boilerplate code that is required. The idea is to minimize the amount of explicit configuration that developers need to write, by relying on a set of sensible defaults and conventions that can be inferred from the context of the application. Convention over Configuration is often used in modern web frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails and Spring Boot, to reduce the amount of repetitive configuration code that developers need to write.

Convention over Configuration can be contrasted with the Configuration over Convention approach, which relies heavily on the explicit configuration to define the behavior of the application. In Configuration over Convention, developers need to write a lot of configuration code to specify things like database connections, routing rules, and error-handling behavior. This can lead to a lot of boilerplate code, which can be tedious to write and difficult to maintain.

One of the main advantages of Convention over Configuration is that it can help to improve productivity and reduce development time. By relying on sensible defaults and conventions, developers can focus on writing the code that implements the business logic of the application, rather than spending time configuring and setting up the application. Additionally, Convention over Configuration can make the codebase more readable and easier to understand, as developers can rely on the conventions to infer the behavior of the application, rather than having to wade through a lot of configuration code.

In conclusion, Convention over Configuration is an approach to software development that emphasizes the use of sensible defaults and conventions to reduce the amount of configuration and boilerplate code that is required. Convention over Configuration is often used in modern web frameworks to reduce development time and improve the readability of the codebase. By relying on conventions and sensible defaults, developers can focus on writing the code that implements the business logic of the application, rather than spending time on tedious configuration tasks.

Bonus Principle: Loose Coupling.

Loose coupling is a design principle in software engineering that refers to the degree to which components or modules of a software system are independent of one another. A loosely coupled system is one in which the components can operate independently of one another, with minimal or no knowledge of each other's inner workings or implementation details. In contrast, a tightly coupled system is one in which the components are highly dependent on each other and tightly integrated.

Loose coupling is often achieved through the use of interfaces, which define a standardized way for components to communicate with one another. By defining interfaces, components can interact with one another in a standardized way, without needing to know anything about each other's inner workings. This makes it easier to replace or modify individual components without affecting the rest of the system, as long as the interface remains unchanged.

One of the main advantages of loose coupling is that it makes software systems more modular and easier to maintain. By reducing the dependencies between components, changes can be made to individual components without affecting the rest of the system. This makes it easier to develop and test individual components and also makes it easier to debug and diagnose problems in the system. Additionally, loose coupling can make software systems more flexible and adaptable, as individual components can be replaced or modified without affecting the rest of the system.

In conclusion, loose coupling is a design principle in software engineering that refers to the degree to which components of a software system are independent of one another. Loose coupling is often achieved through the use of interfaces, which define a standardized way for components to communicate with one another. By reducing dependencies between components, loose coupling makes software systems more modular, easier to maintain, and more flexible and adaptable.

Ian Kiguru.