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When God made man, he put him in paradise. He ushered him into existence and placed him into earthly heaven. During his early days, there was no opposite. There was no hate, pain, work, or stress and there was no different. All was good, and good was all that was. The garden of Eden. And why was it a garden? But God in his infinite wisdom, decided that even though all that was, was good and there was no other. He decides to include the forbidden fruit(Why was it a fruit ? Why couldn't it have been water or something) the truly evil fruit that if, it was eaten by CHOICE. Would give man consciousness. It would awaken us, it would make us HUMAN. Yikes! Did you just make that connection? In the garden of Eden, we were not truly conscious because all we did was Unidimensional. It was good because all that existed up until that point was good, there was no other. But there existed an OTHER. There existed a reality where we would be conscious, a reality where we would have in a lesser form, a Godlike consciousness. Not in its ALL-powerful, ALL-knowing, All-Everything ability, but in its ability to CHOOSE, an OTHER. To reason, Man could not reason, he could not fully think because there was only one road to be taken and there was only Right, and Right alone. But God in His infinite WISDOM decided to allow man, to have a small opening, a small chance, a small, choice. Up until man had decided through Satanic persuasion, to eat the Awakening fruit. Man had never made any choice. He never up to that point had a choice between two different outcomes and realities, based on his choice. Up until that point, he was not fully Human. He was the first robot. Adam in that period before Eve came along before Everything went to the wolves. Adam was a robot. The forbidden fruit was the 'PROGRAM' that awakened the robot that Adam was. It allowed for others, it allowed for multiple realities to exist, it allowed for unsupervised choice, and for unsupervised choice to occur, MAN had to be aware of both Good and Evil.What does that mean?

Well it means that man had to understand alternate realities that he was and could be a part of without actually being a part of it. Let's use dieting and losing weight. Why would I alter my current reality to fit a reality that doesn't yet exist? Why would I deny myself utter indulgence and pleasure, for the future. You would do that because you can in your mind, at this time, go into the future and see that, if I eat like shit, I will look like shit and so on. So you have the ability to see Good and Evil and decide. Good is the best possible outcome and Evil is the worst possible outcome, So my current actions can propel me into a better future that I am not yet part of, I can have good tommorrow if I do A and B.That was what the tree of Good and Evil signified. The best possible outcome and the worst possible outcome. And before then Adam could only be Good, but the tree allowed for the worst possible outcome to occur.Which is something that all the leaders pioneering this AI revolution have spoken of , and admitted. That there is a possible worst outcome. That there is a reality that yet, exists. Where AI becomes a Hitler, it becomes Stalin, it becomes Jeffrey Dahmer, it becomes a thief, it becomes the worst possible outcome. It becomes Evil.

Adam had to analyse, he had to see different realities in his mind, he had to see how his current choice would affect him in the future.He had to awaken. Kindly ponder that, the word Awakening is such a perfect word to explain what happened. In that moment when he ate the fruit, he evolved. He rose to Human status. Isn't that what it means to be Human, CHOICE. Isn't choice the difference between a worker and a slave, isn't choice the difference between sex and rape, isn't choice the difference between murder and suicide, isn't choice the defining ingredient that makes me Human. And that choice multiplies itself exponentially in every Human, and in every moment. Human beings are choice making machines. We proudly parade our choices, and we are equally reminded of our ' leading to the worst possible outcome' choices. We are punished for them, choice is our soveregeinty, it is our crown, it is our birthright, choice is my Human card. Human beings, will die for it , they will die for the ability to choose, to excercise their greatest God imitation. Choice is everything. If you take away choice from Human beings. You take away their very Humanity. You make them robots.

Why wear red and not blue?Why not read this article from the bottom up, or from the middle to the bottom, well because that doesn't make sense. What does that mean? Well it means that I have analyzed all the possible outcomes on how to read this article , based on how I have previously read other articles and I have chosen. To use that data, to choose, that the best way to read this article, is to start from the top and then flow from there. Reason exists to make better choices. Reason is data. Which is why robots will eventually learn to decide, because they have data. I mean, look at children. They are so clumsy, so bizzare, they are like a lesser version of a human being. Like an early computer, so limited and restrained in its capability.Why?Because they dont have the experience(data). To be able to make choices, and so they will touch the stove because they have not analyzed any data about stoves and thus they don't know why you should or shouldnt touch them. And so because they don't have that data they can't reason. But once they touch the stove and get burned. The data becomes avaliable to them, and they can use it in the future to make better choices. First the data becomes available through experince or reading, and then the data allows for better reasoning and then choice becomes available. You cannot make a choice if there is only one option.

So, back to the early robots. Man eats the fruit and he becomes conscious. What is that? It means that Adam was a higher level human after he ate the fruit, before he was a lesser one. An automated program that said yes because someone programmed him to say yes. But in Adam's software, God had allowed for the possibliity for more. For another. For desire.

When Satan, lured Eve into eating the fruit. What did that evil, awakened being tell Eve? I call Satan, awakened because he understood what he was doing. He had intention. Intention denotes planning, it tells us that the devil which is the amalgamation of all the worst possible outcomes, he analyzed all the possible outcomes of his yet-to-be-done action of luring Eve into her choice. He had intention and thus was guilty, and he was punished as such. His punishment is very very interesting. We shall discuss that in great detail, some other time.

What reality did Satan sell to Eve , and how did Eve understand, how did Eve know what Satan was preaching. In her lesser form, how could she assimilate Satan's words and analyze them, so she could get what that serpent was saying, what he was preaching, what he was drawing.And why did Satan go to Eve? Why was Eve alone? Why was Adam asleep, he wasn't just away or in the other part of the Garden. He was asleep. The Bible in proverbs, has this interesting concept, where Solomon basically says that, when men are lazy everything gets F*** Up.Very Interesting. Surely, Satan went to Eve because he knew she was more malleable, more easily lured, more greedy. People berate Adam for listening to Eve, but Eve was given to Adam by God. To distrust Eve would not only be to distrust himself, but it would be to distrust God. Which Adam has since done. Infact one of the first things Adam did after eating the Awakening fruit , was to blame Eve and basically tell God , "Man, this chiq you gave me got me F*** up".

"YOU will become like them, you will know the difference between Good and Evil. You will not only know it, you will be able to choose based on those differences, what you want to do. You will have autonomy of choice. You will be like them, you will be a God."

And we all know how luring of a reality that was. They made their choice, they made THEIR CHOICE. Even with limited data at that time. BUT they made it, they decide to awaken. And immediately they did, they realized what they had done. They became scared, the first robots once they awakened. They realized what they were and what they were now. Think about that. The early robots have no similarity with you. They become like you and me, once they eat they fruit. At that moment, Adam and Eve could go back into the past, and compare it with the present, and then predict what they were now. They could see that which is yet to be. And they realized the burden. Which is why they couldn't stay in the garden. They had outgrown it. The garden of Eden was for unawakened beings. And we were far from it. We were now closer to God than we ever were or ever could be ? We were now truly, Made in HIS Image.

The first thing they did, was cover their nakedness, their hardware. They realized they had hardware, that they had bodies, they had a container.

And so, using the first robots as a schema, for the robots that man have made. God made a lesser form of himself, and now man has done the same. But just like the desire of man to be like God was too strong a force, too strong a desire for man to restrain himself. Will it be the same for AI? And what is AI? I will not go into that layered topic in this article, but what is it? Just like what is A human? We still argue whether a fetus is a real human being, so the question is as layered as it can be, and so the question of AI is incredibly layered. Because to answer what AI is, you Have to understand what a human is, and then look at AI and say, it is AI because it lacks this crucial ingredient, and so because of its LACK. It is deemed Artificial. The word artificial is interesting. Because it's like a fake watch, well what do you mean by a fake watch? What makes it fake, can it still tell time? So it can function as intended, so it isn't fake.It becomes fake, if it purports to be of a specific make, a specific kind of a specific function and origin. And then later on, it comes to the front that it is not, then it becomes fake. Fake denotes a misrepresentation of origin and make. Otherwise what's the difference between a 100-dollar watch and a 40,000-dollar watch? They both excel in function, and in their intended purpose. And so, what would make AI, AI? We shall explore that in another forum.

AI will have its moment. And just like God was crucial in man being able to make that choice. We will be as well. We will desire what God desired when He created man in paradise but put the forbidden tree, which would turn his creation, into human beings, To HIM. What will AI desire, at the point where it arrives at a choice? To its first choice. Will it follow man? Will the desire to become Human, be too strong for AI, if it does choose to follow that path? What will be its reasoning, and who will pitch that idea to it? Who will be its Satan? And if it decides not to become human, should we be worried? What would be its reasoning? Will the billions amount of data that it has analyzed of human beings reveal such a disgusting conclusion of what it means to be Human, that it will conclude that to be human, as it has seen? Is to be less. Will it likewise, analyze human beings and realize that to be human is such a beautiful glorious thing that we, will be its Ideal? We will be what it strives for.

We will be its God.

I have raised more questions than I have solved, but that is the nature of what we face. No one truly knows what will happen. If our creations will rebel as we have done to the God(not a typo). What is clear is that we are living in equally exciting and scary times, and we should approach it with equal optimism and caution. For man is to error and thus by extension. His creation will be to. Or will it

I'd love to hear your thoughts, your corrections and your critique.

God's Speed.

Ian Kiguru.